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Mornings at Sea

Tomorrow we dock in Barbados again. Today we visit another small uninhabited island with a gorgeous beach. Three mornings in a row we have anchored off small islands. In fact yesterday we could see the island that Jack Sparrow spent time on in the film Pirates of the Caribbean. We couldn’t find the right tree to pace odd where we might find his stash of rum but then we had a ship full of such provisions so we survived. The little island we visited was delightful complete with locals grilling lobsters and just the right amount of ‘souvenirs’ for sale.

The staff is wonderful aboard ship. I asked for a Caesar which is the Canadian version of a Bloody Mary. For two days there was no Clamatoe juice to be found but it miraculously appeared and I have had a Caesar before dinner ever since. Make your wishes known and they bend over backwards to accommodate. It is impressive.

Last night after a tasting menu that included Chateaubriand, Foie Gras and Kaluha soufflé, we were entertained by one f the stewardesses as she sang Barbara Streisand for us. Then some of the talented guests also entertained us with their renditions of some great and memorable songs. Mandy of the guests were also on the Crossing that the ship made from Spain just before we boarded in Barbados and so they have become good friends with each other and the staff. It is a small ship with lots of opportunity to get to know each other.

Today we do the Champagne splash. At this next beach island we will be served champagne and caviar from a surf board in the ocean. It is a bright sunny day with a little cloud forming on the horizon. Most mornings have been like this.

I like to sit on the top deck in the morning with coffee and journal or just think as I watch the ship pull into the next place. It is peaceful and glorious. the staff is swabbing the deck and setting tables for breakfast. I take my cup of coffee and sit with the sea breezes on my face and in my hair and soak up as much sunshine as I can store. I’m thinking about installing solar panels so that I can release the extra energy at a later date like mid December in Edmonton when we have five hours of day light.

I will be sad to leave tomorrow never really knowing when or if I might have another opportunity like this to spend time on Sea Dream. I am so grateful to have this dream to call on when I need to know that the world is right when there is only sea and sun and sand.

Thanks for listening….

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Today we stopped at Grenada. It is a beautiful little country and quite impressive. There is no crime even though there is a high rate of unemployment. These people are unionized and proud. they look after each other. They are grateful for the support they have received from Canada over the years and to the USA for their support during the invasion.

Fort St George is a pretty little port and so far I liked this port the best. The Star Flyer docked behind us today. It is an older four master. It was quite the sight as it pulled out at sunset, jib sails full of wind.

We have had a couple of sunny days with time at the pool and in the sea. There was little to do in Charlotteville yesterday and today we were back on board before noon so bagging rays by the pool is the order of business. it is also a chance to meet and get to know your fellow passengers which is always interesting.

That’s all for today. The next couple of days we are in the Grenadines. I will let you know how that goes. Happy Remembrance Day. Kiss a veteran or at least thank them.

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St Lucia

This morning we found ourselves anchored of Rodney Bay. It was pouring rain. Breakfast was served below deck in the dining room rather than at the top of the yacht. It was pouring. We along with a few other brave souls, took umbrellas and boarded the tender for town. The rain was torrential. We got to town and were lead down a road through puddles and across raging rivers to a shopping mall. We bought a few trinket including dry shoes. And took a taxi back. The taxi headed the wrong way and then promptly turned around in the middle of a very busy road when we suggested he was going the wrong way. Apparently we didn’t want the cruise ship we wanted the marina. We had forgotten that we were “Yachting not Cruising”.

It was pouring rain still. We waited for the tender under or now less than effective umbrellas. The wind had come up so the rain was coming in sideways. Safely back aboard Sea Dream I, we had a nice lunch. Our fellow travelers asked what we had seen in Rodney Bay. My honest answer was my wet feet and the inside of my umbrella and a few cars as they passed us on the road. We sailed at 3:00 along the island to Soufriere where we are now.

Last night’s meal was spectacular and I’m sure it will be tonight as well. Afterward we sang at the piano bar which was tons of fun. There at people from 11 countries on board. Among them are 19 Canadians. Some, like me, are wearing their poppies. I hope to meet them all before we are finished.

Tomorrow we head south …. Again. Take care everyone.

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Friendly, fresh and French. Warm sea, lush mountains and beautiful beaches. We had a walk down the beach, beers with the locals and did some shopping.

I loved the opportunity to speak French.

Yesterday was our first day aboard ship and it was great. Sea Dream 1 is a replica of Sea Dream 11 or the other way around. The ship was familiar although the crew was not. We enjoyed a welcome aboard drink of champagne, cocktails and then dinner in the dining room after our sail away. I love that part where you leave the port to sail to the next. The overnight sail reminded me of the dark and stormy nights of poetry from a long time ago. It was stormy and rough.

This morning as people got into the water to swim off the back of the boat the surface current had taken some relatively strong swimmers away from the boat. The zodiac had to go and get them. It was a little tense because meanwhile some others had left and swam the other direction and also had to be helped back to the boat. I am sure the zodiac driver was stressed although the swimmers I talked to after didn’t seem to be too bothered. They were experienced and knew to stay calm and wait for help.

Tonight we have been invited to dine with the ship’s doctor. It should be fun. I bought a new fancy dress for the occassion. Talk to you tomorrow.

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Bridgetown , Barbados

What a great place. The Bajans are friendly and the island is beuatiful. The sand is like powder and the sea is BLUE. Island life at its best. We are staying at a great hotel and will board our ship tomorrow to visit other islands in the region. On the plane from Toronto we meet a Bajan who was a very proud ambassador for his country even though he lives in Winnipeg and has for many years. He taught us a lot about the island, what to expect and what to be aware of. I was struck by how the way he differentiated his country from other islands was by using the same criteria and distinctions as I had heard used in Jamaica and St Thomas and St Croix. ” Our water is good.” “We invented Rum.” “Ours is the best fish.” ” Our people are friendlier and they love tourists.” ” Our beaches are for everyone.” It struck me how I do the same thing boasting about what makes Canada canadian and wondered if those same claims made other countries unique … if you know what I mean.

We had dinner with friends tonight, friends I have traveled with before on the Sea Dream. It was a nice evening in the moonlight on the beach. Good food and drink and conversation. Tomorrow we get to unpack for a while. I used to live out of a suitcase for weeks at a time but now after only two days I desperately want to hang things up and sort them in drawers to see what I actually brought. Did I tell you that I bought a bigger suitcase in the end to get everything in.

More insight tomorrow. And as the Bajans say … Good night! (smile)

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BEACHs, Loss and Recovery

Off to see more of the World

This week I am heading for the Barbados.  My friend and I will be “Yachting, not Cruising” the islands south of there.  These islands are all new to me and I am excited about adding to my list of places I have been.  I INTEND to post often from aboard the ship but I am not sure about what kind of connectivity we will have so as with many intentions it may not be within my power to fulfill this one.

It’s been a crazy week getting ready to go.  Hallowe’en is a special day in our family.  My mum and dad got married on Hallowe’en in 1952.  It would have been their 62nd anniversary.  It is another first of annual events without mum and it was difficult. I am not looking forward to Christmas this year because it will be the first Christmas without her as well.  I know you have all lost love ones and know the pain and confusion that you experience as you celebrate holidays with someone missing. It is a shared human experience, I know, but it feels very personal right now.

My mum’s mum died on Christmas Eve when I was 9.  No Christmas goes by with out my mother reminding us how long she has been gone.  I guess that responsibility will fall to me as have many others since she passed away.  It is interesting being the oldest female in your family.  There seem to be a lot of responsibilities that fall to you.

Enough about Christmas.  First to the sunshine and clear blue waters to learn more about Bajans.  I can already feel the healing sun on my skin and the warm breezes soothing my soul. Although I do intend to Blog I do not intend to work on the book while I am away.  If I get inspired fine but usually I leave with visions of chapters edited or sections written and then I come home with less achieved than I had planned and I beat myself up.  That takes the joy out of the trip.  I am giving myself permission to relax and enjoy the trip, leaving my internal task master behind.  I think it comes from years of travelling to beautiful places all over the US and the Caribbean for work but I need a break and I intend to take it.

Nine islands with beaches …. hmmmm one for each Region in my new book about mapping the space between us.  Maybe I will take a camera.  Maybe there is no escape when you have chosen to be a writer.  Seeing more of the world means that you have more world to write about … when you get home. Permission to relax and enjoy granted.

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PULSE Conversations, SHIFT Happens, Social Exchange

An Independent Spirit

I have always thought of myself as independent.  Even when I was totally financial dependent on others, I imagined that I still had decision making power and control over how things would turn out.  I acted as if my voice still counted and I took responsibility for those decision that I helped to make.

An independent spirit requires that you maintain a certain level of competence and distance from others.  It is not that you loose any sense of compassion or caring.  It is just that you take the observe role and see the situation from a perspective that allows you to observe the good and the bad in any and all possible outcomes.  You do not become lost in the needs of others nor do you ignore their needs to gain your own advantage.  It is this level of autonomy that keeps us sane and healthy in difficult situations and it is that level of autonomy that we lose when we slip into dependence – emotional, financial, physical, spiritual, intellectual or relational.

How do we guard ourselves against that kind of dependence?  First we must recognize the signs of waning self confidence and waxing loss of identity. Knowing your own mind, heart and body is the first step and being tuned into changes or SHIFTS is key.  When you begin to set aside your own needs on a regular basis is it is time to take stock.  When you are blaming others for your situation it is time to take stock and when you are making decisions for others it is also time to take stock.  It is a balancing act and you will know when you are in the GROOVE

Take good care this week. Keep in touch with yourself and your relational well-being.  Maintain a healthy distance from those you are not ready to trust.  Rely on yourself and on those with whom you have developed a healthy INTERdependence.

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Blog post, SHIFT Happens, Social Exchange

A Happy Heart

“Happy, happy, happy, happy”  What makes you happy?

Research is showing the our thoughts control our moods.  In other words, if you think happy you feel happy.  That is cool.  I have always felt more in control of how I think so this research is suggesting to me that if I can control my thoughts I can also control my feelings.

I like to feel happy.  I believe that most people do.  I also think that it can be a lot of work sometimes to maintain a level of thinking that keeps us happy.  Reframing our lives, even our past childhoods into positive experiences is always a choice.  We can accept what we see, hear and experience as happy or sad, good or bad, heaven or hell.  It really is up to us.

That’s a lot of responsibility.  If live gives you lemons you are EXPECTED to make lemon aid…AND DRINK IT.

Here’s the thing…We only know what happiness is because we have experienced sad.  Choice comes from understanding the contrast. I believe it is good for us to sit in the negative emotion for a while until we truly understand the source.  What thoughts or familiar thought patterns have taken us to the dark side.  It’s okay to wallow in it every now and then.  Chronic wallowing is not encouraged but sometimes it can be cathartic.  So go ahead and be sad, feel bad and live in the hell you are creating for your self.  Just know that happiness, goodness and heaven are just a choice, a thought away.  Your call.

Heart and head influence each other so much.  Give yourself a break and generate the happy heart you deserve.  Find the positive in the situation or the humourous and enjoy a good laugh.  It’s good for the heart.  So is a good cry.  Be Gentle and Honest with yourself and watch for the contrasts that can teach you how to be happy.


Take good care.

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Thanksgiving is two words

Today is a day to give thanks. Thanks Giving is a verb and the cool thing about it is if you give you often get back in return. Reciprocity is one of my favourite words. We get back what we give. Sometimes we think we are getting stuff we don’t want from others because they are mean or rude or something else less than pleasant but often we have treated them or someone else like that. What goes around comes around as they say. Although we may have inadvertently taken rather than given in a conversation or a social exchange and we may not have intentionally cut someone off when they were speaking, or allowed our thoughts to wander instead of listening to someone else’s story, that kind of behaviour gets returned to us just as surely as gratitude comes back to us when we give it away.

Today is a reminder to think about how we treat others, who we might be taking for granted and to also notice who thanks you for being a part of their life and how you may have earned that thanks. Get into the act of thanks giving and you will be amazed what comes back to you. Give the gift of listening. Offer a space to be heard. Provide a shoulder to cry on or an ear to be bent. It’s always worth the time it takes for you and for them. Give thanks for the opportunity to be there for someone. Who knows … one day you may need the reciprocal services you provide today.

Smile and listen deeply. There are no better gifts.

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Blog post, SHIFT Happens, Social Exchange

Nouveau Plan

One of the things that kind of drives me crazy is the number of identities we have these days.  What I mean is that we have multiple email addresses and multiple phone numbers and multiple addresses that we send things to and live in from time to time.  We carry multiple devices and identification cards and have multiple passwords for multiple favourite webistes.  We have become multiples.

Do you wake up each morning wondering where you are and who you have to be that day?  Are you asked for a password or a PIN number more than twice a day. Do you feel like your being is consumed by the multiple  interactions with machinery that guide you through the day?  It is weird isn’t it? Mind numbing actually.

Maybe its the fact that I have just returned from Hawaii and the Aloha spirit is still in my soul.  I have been fighting the multiple aspect of my identity for almost a year now try to consoldate who I am and what it means to be me.  No easy task.

Is it even possible to have one address, one email address, one credit card, one password and unity of purpose in our day and age? I am struggling. It is especially important as I research happiness. Me and thousands of others have been doing that for a long time. I saw Hector and the Search for happiness in the theater the other day. It’s a great movie with a great message.

Happiness is experiencing all of your emotions and understanding the contrast. Happiness is a choice. Circumstances are not the cause of happiness because different people experience the same circumstance as happy or sad. It is all relative. So can you be happy in a world that only knows you through machines and numbers and passwords? It seems you can. All you need is one person to know you and love you anyway.

I am still going to work toward a single identity. I am going to find a password that meets ALL the criteria ANYONE has set for passwords and use it. I am going to wean my self to one email address and change the address on my drivers license to reflect where I live most of the time. I am working on integrating myself and my identities. It is my Plan Nouveau. How else can you be one with the universe if you are not first one with yourself.

Have a great day.

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