BEACHs, The Primes by Chris McGoff

Why I do what I do

What else could I be doing?  That is a question I often ask myself and one that I would encourage all of you to consider as you work your way through the lazy days of summer.

I could be doing many other things I suppose, but what I enjoy most is working with people, giving them a new perspective on old issues and moving them to a different future than they may have had if I had not asked them to consider some tough questions about themselves and their situation.  I am a question asker and I like that role.

The question today is related to Chris McGoff’s “the Primes”.  Prime 10 is called Culture.  It  states that every group divides the behaviours it will tolerate from those it will not.  So true.  Looking at culture this way makes the distinctions from one culture to another quite evident and easier to identify.  This idea will definitely help me as I continue to identify the cultures of the BEACHs.  I suspect it will help you too if you think about where you work or live and what is and is not acceptable.

In your personal culture this question becomes important.  What will you tolerate and what will you not tolerate.? I think for many the line moves as our own sense of what is right and wrong, what is ethical or not and what is acceptable to each of use is tested daily.  Our world, our environment and our limits for what we can tolerate and what we won’t define us and help us to understand why we do what we do.

What defines the limits of your personal culture, your group cultures, your family culture and where do you begin to feel uncomfortable?  Even more interesting and important to me is how does your “toleration” line shift?  What can happen to move something from tolerable to not, thus shifting your culture?  I would like to know more about that.

Things that make you go “Hmmmm….”

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As an Executive Coach, a Professional Speaker and an author, Dr. Love gives the gift of courage and confidence to her clients... courage to make a change and confidence to make a difference. Learn more »
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