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PULSE Level 2 and other thoughts on learning in the new world

Today I had a call from someone interested in taking our PULSE level 2 course.  It is the second 40 hours of mediation training using the PULSE Frame.  We haven’t had much call to offer it lately so it is exciting to see some renewed interest.  Anyone with a basic mediation course could register and if we get enough interest we will offer it sometime in late November.There is some flexibility for us to set up the first 2 days as an online program though Jig saw box and have participants come to the St Albert Office for the 3 day intensive practice sessions.

Please send an email to me at if you are interested.

I find myself looking for ways to help individuals get what they need lately.  Coaching and one on one teaching and training conversations provide me with the kind of opportunities to share ways to improve social exchanges in real time.  Our society is moving that way.  Everything is on demand.  Why not training?  I like it.  Individualized learning is not new.  Tell me what you need to learn and I will help you.  If you are working toward credentialing as a coach or mediator, I can help you with that.  If you want to improve your leadership skills I can help you with that.  If you want to improve relationships and conversations at home or at work I can help you with that.  If you want to become a well rounded confident, courageous, competent, compassionate person I can help you with that.  If you and I can’t figure out how to get you to where you are going then I will help you find someone who can.

Teachers have been providing individualized programs for students for years.  Always a teacher, I am moving toward providing that service to my grown up clients.  It’s exciting and practical.  Client directed learning. Contact me today!!!!

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As an Executive Coach, a Professional Speaker and an author, Dr. Love gives the gift of courage and confidence to her clients... courage to make a change and confidence to make a difference. Learn more »
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