Blog post

Blatant Self Promotion …

Here is a copy of the PULSE Newslter. Some of you have subscribed on our website but many of you may not be familiar with it so I am nudging you there now.

The PULSE Rate 2.0

Dear Nancy Love: Welcome to the February 2014 edition of the PULSE Rate! We are excited to annouce that we have begun redesigning the PULSE Professional program. Stay tuned in the coming months to learn how you can receive PULSE Professional certification and become an expert in Social Exchange™.

Upcoming Webinar

Please join me Tuesday, March 4, 2014 at 10:00am MST for a free 40 minute Webinar titled “PULSE in Review” an overview of the PULSE Frame and Five Stage Model. Below is a brief overview for those that have never used PULSE or for those that would like a refresher. Here is the direct link to the program … PULSE REVIEW

PULSE Five Stage Model – An Overview

Using Language skills effectively in conversation requires your attention and your intention to be deliberate and focused. The PULSE conversation has helped many people resolve differences by showing them when and where to apply the skills and structure so that sustainable outcomes can be assured. The PULSE Conversation Frame provides the structure for successful, effective conversations and social exchanges. It is a five stage process that Prepares people for the conversation by setting a purpose, process, and protocol. Parties then Uncover the circumstances from the past that precipitated the conversation and gave a title to “the story” by answering the question “What is to be decided or resolved?”. Parties speak directly to each other to Learn the significance of “the story” and use that information to set criteria for a sustainable future. Then they Search for options that will meet their criteria in a brainstorm session. Once options are identified that are feasible, doable and within the authority of the parties are chosen for consideration in the Explain stage where a detailed plan of action is generated by the parties. Each of the stages relies on the different skills of the PULSE professional to create a sense of comfort, to be courageous, curious, confident, and commited to the process and sustainable, balanced outcome.

Check out the PULSE Website today! You will find: PULSE

PULSE Professional Program Info
Event Calendar
PULSE Professionals Database
Links to Twitter, Facebook and YouTube!

PULSEisms:100 Ways to Use PULSE
Below is a shortened list taken from one of our most popular blog posts (over 25,000 views!). You can read that blog post in its entirety by clicking the link below.

1. Conversations work best when ….
2.Gentle – so others can keep listening.
3. Honest – say what you are thinking…. in a gentle way.
4. You are not prepared to resolve or move on until you have said everything that is on your mind.
5. Be open to what is being said and allow it to influence you.
6. Use specific examples for clarity… a story, a picture, an image.
7. Sometimes people use the same word to mean two completely different things.
8. Keep talking until you find a resolution.
9. Gentle, Honest, Open, Specific, Talk
10. Listen with HEART. Deep listening works to acknowledge emotion and de-escalate.
11. Hush your own mind, body and heart. Be with the other person. Be curious.
12.Empathise. Walk a mile in their shoes. Ask yourself “What is it like to be them?” Feel for them.
13. Attend to what they are saying and what they are not saying.
14. Body language speaks when it changes.
15. Facial expressions never lie and are universal across cultures.
16. Reflect back what you see. Remain silent so that they can respond to how you
(they) look.
17. Trust that everyone is doing the best they can with what they know.
18. Trust to be trusted.
19. Hush, Empathise, Attend, Reflect and Trust = HEART – deep listening.
20. Earn yourself a hearing.
21. POWER listening gives evidence of having heard.
22. Paraphrase what you hear them saying.
23. Ask Open questions that hinge on what has been said.
24. WAIT – Why am I talking??
25. Let them finish.
26. Let them think about what you have said. Uninterrupted thinking is more
27. Empathise by noticing and stating the level of emotion that you see, hear or
28.“This has been difficult for you.”

Dr. Nancy Love Visit Website
As an Executive Coach, a Professional Speaker and an author, Dr. Love gives the gift of courage and confidence to her clients... courage to make a change and confidence to make a difference. Learn more »
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