Blog post

The Subtle Art

I promised to talk about “The Subtle Art…” by Mark Manson.  I do recommend it and I think what I got out of it is that positives can be negative if they make you feel ‘less than’ and negatives can be positive if they help you accept situations you find yourself in. I hope that makes sense. In a way, it is a lot like Brene Brown’s book ‘Daring Greatly’. Be vulnerable translated to “Don’t give a bleep” what everyone else thinks. Expectations are the key.  Keep them real.  You can actually avoid disappointment and celebrate when things are beyond your expectations if you expect to be normal or average.

I am struggling a little with that.  Accepting that pigeon poop on your balcony is inevitable when you live in a high rise is difficult.  Dust and noise from construction when they are re-flashing the entire exterior of the building this summer and they started with your side, is inevitable.  Being asked to use as little water as possible for 24 hours when the pipe burst under the sidewalk and the city has to come and excavate. Taking a drive in your newly acquired vehicle to Peggy’s Cove to find the restaurant mysteriously has lost power. Having to cancel my first road trip in my new-to-me vehicle, a trip to visit relatives “up the Valley,” because of the FOG.  All of these things generate disappointment for me.  And these are just what has happened in the last few days….

And the underlying threat of COVID 19 continues…

I am kind of worn out.

There are good things happening.  My girls (and their families, when they are available) connect with me on Fridays.  I had lunch with one of my LOVE cousins, reconnecting after decades. That was awesome. I have a walking and Enneagram buddy next door.  I was certified by IEQ9 to do Coaching using their Questionnaire.  I have been working towards that since last September. My car is great and does give me more freedom to escape and go to the grocery store and the liquor store on my own. I finally got to Canadian Tire and bought a steamer to steam my very creased curtains.  Last curling season’s playoffs have finally been announced.  I am working toward getting back to Alberta for that later in September. I walked down to the Northwest Arm this morning and put my hand in the ocean water. I have three golf dates with friends coming up. I joined a writing group that meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 30 minutes for the next 6 weeks.

And I am actually working on THE BOOK.

Take chances.  Dare greatly. Don’t give too many Bleeps.  Thank you to Brene and Mark and all of the otherwise and wonderful people in my life. It would be so easy to NOT but I choose venture so that I can gain.

Take care everyone.

Dr. Nancy Love Visit Website
As an Executive Coach, a Professional Speaker and an author, Dr. Love gives the gift of courage and confidence to her clients... courage to make a change and confidence to make a difference. Learn more »
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