Tag Archives: canadian winter

'Tis the Season, Winter in Canada


The calendar indicates that we are still in the fall season. HMMMM Out my window I see winter. This morning it was milder than usual for this time of year and it had rained last night so there was a layer of ice over everything that made my 300 step walk from my apartment to my office a little tricky.

I heard the other day on CBC radio that Canadians have the largest wardrobes, that is they own the most clothes. Our weather is such that we have to have clothes for four very different seasons. We have summer, fall, winter and spring clothes that we may need anytime of the year depending on the weather. So very true.

This week I have been sorting and selecting pieces from my own wardrobe that I am hoping refugees might appreciate … things I no longer wear in that overstuffed wardrobe. To be honest I like the change of seasons and the need for lots of different kinds of clothes. I also love my winter forays to the south which have taught me that it is always summer somewhere. I keep my sundresses and shorts handy at all times in case I need to head south but I had really never thought about the need for more pieces in a wardrobe here as opposed to other places in the world. In fact it is hard to imagine only needing summer clothes.

We Canadians also talk about the weather more than other people in other places do. There is obviously more to discuss. Weather changes rapidly here and sometimes our lives depend on how prepared we are for the changing conditions we face. We are also better prepared physically and emotionally to help others in need. People call us NICE and we are in part I am sure because we know that if we don’t stop for someone freezing by the side of the road that they could actually die.

The other cool (as in interesting) part is that we have fewer weather related deaths than many other countries. Good work CANADIANS. Stay prepared and be cautious out there and look after each other. Keep that extra layer of clothing from your abundant wardrobe in your car. It’s WINTER again and although it is supposed to be milder than most we still need to be ready for anything.

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Blog post, PULSE Enneagram

PULSE and the BEACHs 2012

Next week I am heading to Hawaii for three glorious weeks of writing.  I want to thank all of you for responding to the writing on the blog and providing valuable feedback for what will be the BEACHs book.  Any further comments you have on the BEACHs would be welcome and timely right now.  I am working hard to complete this two-year project.  There have been distractions and set backs and …well you know what its like when a project is not your first priority… it just doesn’t happen.  I guess I have been waiting for the book to finish itself…. That is not happening so I am off to commit my time in the sun and on the BEACH to the completion of the book.

It is not a hardship to write in Hawaii.  It is such a beautiful place.  This year getting away from Canadian winter isn’t as compelling as it usually is.  It has been mild. But there are no BEACHs here in Alberta.  NONE.

2012 will be a great year.  Leap years often are for me.  It is a purple year.  A year of peaceful productivity.  I am so looking forward to spending more time with you on the blog, in our new Red Team – Green Team webinar series and in person when I can.  This first month is about organizing and setting goals, which is critical, and about planning the year using the PULSE Frame so that the goals are achievable and the plans are sustainable.

Evaluating the ongoing projects and setting milestones for them is important for me.  Also important is the addition of a new project or two that will add value to what we already do.  I have made lists of things I want to know more about, things for completion and things to begin.  I need a new five-year plan this year, too.  Not sure what that will look like yet but it will definitely include more time here in the office in St Albert.  I really like it here.

Hope everyone had a great holiday season.  Happy 2012.

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