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Right and Left PULSE

AS I look for new ways to explain the advantages of the PULSE frame over other aids to conversation I am struck by the consistency of thought leaders around the significance of an approach like the PULSE approach that incorporates, in a deliberate way, the elements essential for good clear communication.  Leaders do their work in Conversation. It is often assumed that they know how to have successful conversations by the time they get to a position that demands leadership skills.  PULSE is a core competency for leaders and anyone else who does their work in conversation.  As a PULSE professional you are at a distinct advantage because you understand the nuances and the nuts and bolts of productive, generative conversation.

We are all of two minds – left and right.  There are two approaches to most things…. okay maybe three.  Daniel Pink, in his book “A Whole New Mind”  writes about the differences of each side of the brain and the necessity of a cooperative bridge between them in order for us to continue to thrive in our modern world.  The book was written in 2007 and listening to it again on my drive yesterday I heard the optimism of the time before 2008.  I was struck by the optimism as well as the wisdom of what he was saying about our modern world and the needs for BOTH hemispheres of the brain to work together in order to make the changes, the adjustments necessary for the human race to build or rebuild a world that works for everyone.

The other thing that struck me was the way that the PULSE Frame and the PULSE training work to join the functions of both hemisphere.  If you are PULSE professional you already know how to use both sides of your brain to meet the needs of your clients.  The right side of the brain is where empathy and story reside.  This side represents the creative, interpretive skills we gain as we learn about PULSE and GHOST and POWER and HEART.  The left side is more analytically and logical and is best served with the structure of the PULSE frame as it moves through time from past to present to future, using a script to ensure that no step is missed. So PULSE represents a whole brain conversation.  It considers text AND context in ways that lead to sustainable resolution.

AS we move into a future we can experience through language (left brain) and images (right brain) the PULSE Frame serves all of us well. WE can use our ” Whole New Minds”.

If you need a refresher or would like to learn about PULSE for the first time please sign up for our webinar series  –  90 minute seminars you can attend from your own computer.  May 1st and 3rd and May 8th and 10th at 10:00 AM.  If you are interested email for more information.

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As an Executive Coach, a Professional Speaker and an author, Dr. Love gives the gift of courage and confidence to her clients... courage to make a change and confidence to make a difference. Learn more »
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