Putting things off when you have time to do them could be an indication that they were not what you were really passionate about in the first place. I have a couple of writing projects that I cannot seem to get close to these days. I have time. I have energy. I have the tools I need and STILL nothing…. No progress. No initiative. Only inertia. I am not sure what it is going to take to MOVE me. And maybe that’s okay for now.
Finding hope in all of this takes courage and persistence. I am hoping that all of you are doing well and have begun to consider what you will do when this is over, how you will feel and what thoughts you will share with others about the time we spent waiting out the virus. It will go down in history as a time of loss and sadness, of bravery and sacrifice.
Let it also be a time when we find ourselves and our passions just by noticing what we are moved to do when we have all the time in the world to pursue that thing.
Thanks for keeping in touch everyone. Now I am heading back to my piano….