Blog post

Iceberg of Love

 I have spoken to a number of friends and colleagues and have plans to reach out even further.  When I think about the good friends and colleagues that I have acquired over the years I am always flabbergasted by how many people I have kept because they are all precious to me, they each have a special place with me and I know gratitude.

My Aunt Louetta, all my cousins, my brother, and his family and my own wonderful children, and my talented grandchildren represent the tip of an iceberg of love.  All of them have contributed to my wellbeing in so many different ways. (I may even have to include ex-husbands who keep in touch as family.)

I am lucky enough to have friends still with me that I have known for more than or close to 50 years.  I have friends from high school, my first teaching job and my second and my third.   I have PULSE friends and Parks friends and Virgin Island friends. I have friends from curling and tap class and book club and XIX and the Lake.  I have friends in my building in St Albert and my new friends here in the new condo complex… the fifth-floor coffee klatch.

So, I would like to thank everyone of you for contributing to my mental wellbeing.  

This isolation era seems to be winding down but it has taken a toll on many of us, some more so than others.  Check your list.  Reach out and make sure everyone is feeling okay and do what you can to help if they seem down.  A future focused question or two is often all they need.  

It works for me … at least as long as it is beyond the present state of things.  The “When are you coming back to Alberta?” question is still unanswerable and will continue to unnerve me until I know for sure.  “How do you want to remember this time?”  Takes me to “It was a time when I improved my piano playing, read five books and learned stuff…”

Where will you be next year at this time?  What do you hope to look back on with a sense of pride?  I would love it if you would share your answers in the comments.

Take care everyone.  Love from Love to all of you.

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As an Executive Coach, a Professional Speaker and an author, Dr. Love gives the gift of courage and confidence to her clients... courage to make a change and confidence to make a difference. Learn more »
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