Blog post

Hello world!

This is the beginning of a new world for me … the first day of the rest of my life.  I alwasy considered myself technologically adept but today as I am learning about blogs and webinars, I have discoverd a whole new world. There are those of you well a head of me on this journey.  Thank you for clearing the e-path, marking the e-trail and making it look e-zier for those of us who are following in your e-steps.

I have so much to say.  Marjorie has warned if I strat I must visit and update and answer regularly, three times a week at a minimum.  That seems like an awesome responsiblity to take on when my days and yours are already full. What to give up to ensure that the discipline of blogging inegrates into my life? My first thought is that this become my e-journal. Everyday I journal PULSE thoughts.  If I were to synthesize those into a e-message Monday, Wednesday and Friday, that might work.

This is quite exciting.  Some themes I might want to work with are the Oprah Trek, the 9 PULSE Beaches, the PULSE Prism and PULSE and the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I hope that all the PULSE Professionals will join in to make this interesting.  Keeping all of you  informed as to our activity and intention has not been easy as life fills our days.

Let’s try again … publish this … and commit to three days a week to keep in touch.



Dr. Nancy Love Visit Website
As an Executive Coach, a Professional Speaker and an author, Dr. Love gives the gift of courage and confidence to her clients... courage to make a change and confidence to make a difference. Learn more »
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  • Reply

    Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and for sharing your own insight. Today is difficult. There was a domestic homocide in Calgary yesterday. It was one of Jim’s employees. His wife, two fo his three kids and a border in his house died with him. When something like this happens everybody wonders what they could have done to prevent such a tragedy. Talk from where you hurt!! Listen with FULL attention when others talk. Hear what is unsaid. Listen with Head, Heart and Body. Give and receive, with appreciation and gratitude, the gift of listening daily.

  • Reply

    This is my first blog as well – and being a person with aging eyesight, I hope this comes out bigger than what appears when I type! I also realize adding my last name will help people later to figure out who I am 🙂

    I guess one way to help stay on a 3x/wk path would be to put this blog on my desktop so I can easily reach it.

    I am also very interested in learning “e” stuff – I have a large potential audience in our at-risk community, so I will be paying close attention to this blog stuff and the webinar as well. Talk to you in a few minutes!

  • Margo

    Well, you were never one to back down from a challenge! I’m sure if you enjoy it you’ll keep it up and I can actually hear from my cousin now and then! Best of luck. Hope to see you soon.

  • Reply

    I look forward to keeping up with you here Nancy! Great start….

  • Lani Jerman

    Applause, applause! I am amazed at all you are able to accomplish. I look forward to being educated and inspired by your blog.

  • Terry

    I am looking forward to sharing in your PULSE e-journaling journey.

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