Category : Blog post

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Day Two – Barcelona

We had a great day.  We met at 11 and took the metro to the Sagrada Familia by Gaudi.  It is the most amazing and ugliest church I have ever seen.  It is not finished although people have been working on it for over 100 years.  It was worth the ride just to experience its affect on people.


Then we went to an espadrille shop where Lynda and Susan bought the same pair of multi-coloured sandals with ribbons that tie up around the ankle.  Then we found our way back to have lunch with the others at a corner restaurant near by with probably the best example of single tasking I have ever seen.  The waiter could not pick up glasses and take an order at the same time.  He literally did one thing at a time.  The beer and the sandwich were good once we got them.


We strolled back to the Rambla and down to the harbor where we boarded a boat to do a harbour cruise.  On the way we were intrigued by a man playing a shell game for money.  Lynda was picking the right box every time.  It seemed that as soon as she got interested people moved in around her.  John and I were watchin gfrom a few yards away and could see the crowd assembling and John went in to take Lynda’s purse from her before someone else did.  It was very interesting and a little scary, a reminder of how aware you have to be at all times.

Aboard the harbour cruise there was no discernible commentary.  We floated through the docks and along the shore of the city in 10 foot swells.  Especially out past the breakwater, the seas were wild.  I was amazingly not sea sick.  The Cava was the saving grace although there were only 3 chilled glasses and five of us.  Refills were available. It made me realize again how important the question is.  There are only 3 cava’s means there are only 3 glasses to serve cava in….  who knew if you didn’t ask.


After the harbour tour, such as it was, we went back to the hotel and looked at pictures in our room until it was time to meet everyone again for dinner.  I called the concierge who suggested a tapas place within a short walk … if you followed his directions ….  We made a wrong turn and had to ask for further directions which took us back to the square that we had left 10 minutes before and up the correct street to the restaurant which was excellent.


Today is US Thanksgiving.  Dan picked up the tab.  We had a great meal with tapas for 8.  It was tasty and filling and there was wonderful atmosphere.  It was a perfect evening.  It was raining when we left to walk back to our hotel … a shorter walk than the one there. Tomorrow we hope to do a bus tour of the city.  Today I learned that we are a good group.  Every one is getting along.  That’s good.  We have fourteen days at sea to spend together.



As we watch CNN we see the attacks in India.


Tomorrow a bus tour of the city more shocking architecture. Be safe.





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Blog post

Day one – Barcelona

Hello everyone.  Welcome back to the world travel report…..


The flight from Calgary to Frankfurt was long and because it was a different time of day it was almost impossible to sleep.  Frankfurt to Barcelona is only one and a half hours and I have to say that I don’t remember much of it at all.  Once we got to our beautiful hotel, Le Meridian, on La Rambla, we took a nap.  I tried to shower but the drain was clogged and I flooded the place.  Then we went out with our friends to ramble on La Rambla towards the harbour and the cruise ship dock which is really walking distance.


It is quite lovely with the large boulevard and merchants and buskers all along the way.  We picked up a pamphlet for a Spanish guitar concert tonight at the Basilica which I think we will try to attend.   It is at the same time that we are supposed to meet our KC friends and Marjorie but we have sent messages for them to come early so that we can all go to hear the music.


It is surprisingly cold here.  It is the kind of cold that penetrates.  I will add a layer or two tonight before we go out again.  I had also forgotten that in Europe the restaurants close between 4 and 7:30.  No civilized people eat at that time of day.  We had some difficulty finding a place to have tapas and beer.  Perseverance paid off and at a delightful place, the waiter ordered for us and we had a nice light snack.


Now we are back at the hotel room.  It is 10:30 am there and 6:30 pm here. And we have had some interrupted sleep over the past 36 hours.  I find my self fighting to stay awake so that we can sleep for 8 hours tonight and make the adjustment.  I am very curious about the Atlantic Crossing and how our bodies will adjust to a less traumatic movement through the zones.


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Moving forward

Moving forward often means to wait in place for the next opening.  In the traffic scenario we know this and respond accordingly waiting until it is safe and appropriate for us to move into the flow of traffic that will take us where we want to go.  Racing or waiting too long can disrupt the flow and cause accidents.

So it is with other aspects of our lives.  Some time you just have to wait for the opening.  Waiting is good.  It allows us to gain perspective and to assess the situation so that we can time our entrance or action for a safe and appropriate forray.  I like to wait and to assess.  I aslo like to be sure before I move forward.  Sometimes I am in too much of a hurry and things go too quickly and I feel as if I am losing control.

This has been a waiting week.  As I waited the world aligned to allow me to accomplish those tasks I had set out to do before the trip.  It is always amazing to me how intention and waiting work together to accompllish so much.  I learn again the power of intention and the power of waiting.  Timing is everything.  Set the time and allow life to unfold.

Today’s verse that I read from Wayne Dyer and  Lao-tzu was about patience and understanding and how the two go hand in hand.  Learn from everyone and every experience.  Some times the lesson is only that you learn to wait.

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The Next Adventure

Some days it is difficult to think of anything that others might want to read.  I like to write ABOUT something.  Share an opinion or an event but for the last week I haven’t had much interesting to think about or to say.  The Wayne Dyer stuff is kind of interesting but It hasn’t grabbed my attention the way I had hoped.  I just seem to be waiting for the next adventure.

Tuesday we leave for Barcelona and I have promised my Tuesday night friends that I will blog while I am away and especially while we are crossing the Atlantic to Puerto Rico.  I have already packed my clothes and my toiletries and only have my computer and printer to throw in along with some well chosen reading.  The plan is to work at least a little on board … to put together the next PULSE book.

I feel excited and ambivalent about the trip.  Seeing new places is always exciting, and spending time at sea will be as well.  I like the thought.  Metaphors abound.  I am sure we will have fun as the sea adventure mingles with the writing of the POWER of PULSE book.

So I have prepared for the trip.  I have uncovered what I hope to resolve and now it is the learning from the experience of the trip that I anticipate.  After ward I will search for possible ways to put the learning to work and explain a plan for meeting the criteria that I identify on the journey.  While I am travelling I hope to have a pleasant mixture of exciting experiences and rest; work and play; accomplishment and leisure.  I hope to experience what Dyer calls “Living creatively”.

“Some people structure conversations naturally”  That’s what my friend Laurie said at coffee today.  I don’t think that is true.  I think everyone learns the structure of good communication somewhere.  Applying it to conversation may not be as deliberate but somewher  along the way they have internalized the structure of an essay of a research report or the writing of a speech.  What do you think?

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Living the Paradoxical Unity

Today I am reading Wayne Dyer. ” Change Your Thoughts – Change your Life”  I have been reading Wayne Dyer since the 70s.  Today he is exploring the “Great Way”, the Tao Te Ching of Lao -tzu.  There are 81 verses in “the Great Way”.  I am intent on reading one verse per day until I am done.  I find it interesting that there are 81 which is 9*9.  I have enjoyed the first three verses; The Mystery, The Paradoxical Unity and Contentment. 

The Mystery … be curious about things.  Experience non-judgement and mystery. 

The Paradoxical Unity … states are defined by the  knowing of the opposite.  Accepting or allowing both at the same time is the paradox of unity.

Contentment … just notice the Tao.  What does the integrated self tell you about your desires?  Move from desire to allow the reward to be the path, the journey.

Of course those are my interpretations which I accept witll be different for you.  It is interesting and comforting to read about and from the ancients.  Comforting to me to thing that people of other times had it all figured out before we got here.  That simplifies things for me and allows me to accept the ’42’ answer to the question of life, the universe and everything.  That answer that came from the imagination, the thoughts, of Douglass Adams and it works for me.

Life is good. Integrated thinking, sensing, feeling is good.  It has been, is and will be good.

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Develop Relationships

Accept Chaos

Name Elephants

Share Information

Embrace the Process

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Forty Two – The Answer to the Questions

Douglass Adams wrote about a computer named Deep Thought and how that computer over millions of years was able to calculate the answers to the question of life the universe and everything.  The answer was 42.  It is a great answer when you think about it.  42 – simple yet complex.  And isn’t it comforting to know that their is an answer.

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Politics is a Conversation …

Hello world….  Today is a new day.  Obama is president elect of the US and the ‘us’ is back in the US.  The hope of the nation and the world seems to be wrapped up in the man and yet we all know that it was the voters who made their own dreams come true.  They had the courage to support someone that they felt would support them back.

I hear a predominant message about a black man in the White House.  Barak Obama is more than that.  He represents the world.  Mixed and inclusive in all aspects and a small ‘L’ liberal champion for the US and the world.  “Hope lives as long as their is breath.”  Everything is possible if you engage the people in conversation.  Obama was masterful and the engagement piece.  Everyone is celebrating with him not for him because they were a part of the conversation, involved through Internet and other messaging at a personal level.

Barak Obama and his team have mastered the engagement piece and have given the world evidence of what can happen when you talk WITH people reather than TO them.  A brilliant campaign run by a brilliant and caring leader.  Congratulations.

Our Canadian people will learn the lesson and adapt the approach to match the Canadian need.  Around the world the message will be interpreted in at least 9 ways.  Hope = personal control… Hope = inclusion and contribution… Hope = achievement and success … Hope = creativity and differentiation … Hope = analysis and thought provoking opportunities… Hope = loyalty and security and predictability… Hope = excitement and variety and possibility…Hope = furthering the cause, taking control… Hope = peace and harmony in the world.  Hope lives on…..

And the conversation continues …..

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Peace and Pressure – the last pair

How much peace do you feel?  How much pressure do you feel on you?  Peace and pressure. chicken and egg …..  Can you know peace without knowing pressure???  Peace is a sensation for me, more than a feeling.  It is a state of complete contentment, when you know that things are right in the world.  I often feel peace and I am constantly seeking that feeling of peace.  Peace, like the others is a choice.

Pressure … I guess the best way to understand my relationship with pressure is to use an example.  Deadlines create pressure for me.  I often miss deadlines and then work very hard after the deadline to complete things.  It is weird but the pressure presented by the deadline shuts me down.  Once it is past then I can actually get to work and get it done.  So pressure often freezes me. I get stuck.  How much pressure is there in my life depends on me right now.  I consider myself very fortunate to be running my own business and although I answer to clients and there is pressure to provide the best possible product, the standards that I set for myself often are higher than any they may have.

What does pressure mean to you?  How can you use the pressure in your life to motivate rather than freeze?  That is a question I ask myself.  I set artificial deadlines to fool myself into getting things ready on time.  I am a procrastinator, and pressure is not my friend.  I create my own pressure and my own peace.  I am as satisfied as I want to be.  Each day brings new opportunities for peace and pressure.  Choose both.  Learn to manage both.

PULSE is about peace and pressure.  The path through, Prepare, Uncover, Learn, Search and Explain is the path from pressure or lack of peace to peace.

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Power and Poverty – the next two P’s

Life Scale pair number 4… Power and poverty.  How much power do I feel I have in my life?  It depends … Today is a good day and I feel powerful becuase I was able to accomplish alot.  I often measure my personal power by how much time I spent on things that fall in to the ‘important to me’ category.  If I have found time in my day to have a hot tub and write in my personal journal then I do feel powerful and in control.  If I can influence some one or some event in a small way then I feel power – full.  Today and most days I score 18/20 on power.  Some days I only score 10.  Those are usually the days when I have decided not to exert put to empower others.

How much poverty do I feel is in my life. Really … none.  I am rich with freinds and family and experiences and stuff.  I reject poverty for myself and encourage others to do the same. The word poverty is powerful and not at all personal to me.  Poverty is something a country wages war against.  Poverty is lack.  When you look for what’s missing you get more of it.  Reframing a lack to a criteria for resolution and a better, brigther future is what PULSE is all about.  PULSE takes people from poverty to power with a simple reframe of the past, the present and the future.

The appreciative stance in PULSE rejects poverty and seeks power.  Everyone in a PULSE conversation is held capable.  It is an exercise in capacity building and in showing people where they are powerful and not poor.  My poverty score is low, even when my power score is low.  I am full of hope and encouraged by all that I see in the world.  I am enriched by each day and each experience.  I am also aware that not everyone is and that the weight of conflict and despair can lead some to experience a sense of poverty.

I would like to declare a war … on poverty … the personal sense of.

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