Blog post, PULSE Enneagram

Success BEACH

ON Success BEACH live the Superstars


1. Belief that they can accomplish anything with hard work and determination

2. Expect to be the best at whatever they do

3. Accept that becoming the best might mean putting on a show

4. Are Concerned about success and how it is measured

5. Hope that applause equals love.

Those who belong to the Success BEACH  subculture are often truly successful and magnanimous.  When they are pretending to be successful they can become narcissistic.

IT takes enthusiasm to be on the Success BEACH and lots of energy to stay there.  The workaholic beach is no place for laid back contemplations.  Things are happening here all of the time.  Project after project comes to completion amid fan fair and accolades.  The down side is that sometimes what you see is not what you get.  Like the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz Superstars of the Success BEACH sub culture can be all smoke and mirrors.

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Connection BEACH

On Connection BEACH everyone helps each other.  There is a strong sense of team and belonging.  When the weather is good love and friendship abound.  When the wind changes there is a sense of foreboding as Love’s strings attach to every act.  People who live on Connection BEACH

1. Believe that helping others is the most important thing that they can do.

2. Expect that others will acknowledge their contribution and return the love.

3. Assume that everyone has something to offer and may just need a little help from them to reach their full potential.

4. Concern themselves with other people’s business often to the neglect of their own needs.

5. Hope that you will always need them.

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Blog post, PULSE Enneagram

Ethnography Of Perfection BEACH

As I work on the description of the culture of the Perfection BEACH, I am visiting a beach on the north shore of Kauai.  It is beautiful here … but not perfect.

I have been writing for a few hours already and wondering where to start on this next piece.  “Start with what you know” is the old adage …

What I know is that on Perfection BEACH people;

1. Believe that there is a right and a wrong way to do things and that they know the right way.

2. Expect that others will live up to the same high standards that they set for themselves.

3. Assume that goodness exists and that perfection is desirable and achievablefor everyone.

4. Are Concerned about the Rules and how to abide by them.

5. Hope for a perfect world where good triumphs over evil.


What I also know is that people on this BEACH are there for different reasons.  The social structure of the BEACH is interesting.  The Native Perfectioners are distinguishable by their continued efforts to correct any imperfections that they encounter.  Historically they came to be here when there interactions with the world lead them to see imperfection as bad and so they seek goodness.

The BEACH is largely inhabited by natives although the neighbours from Connection BEACH and from Peace BEACH can also be found here.  They are distinguishable by their accents or tendency to be seeking goodness through Peace or goodness through Connection or helping others.  Connection BEACH natives on the Perfection BEACH contribute to the culture with their kind, caring ways.  Peace dwellers visiting on Perfection BEACH are seeking the perfect way to create Peace.  They are more detached and laid back than the natives and have a broader perspective.

Other residents include the immigrants from Excitement BEACH who are more extroverted than the native Perfectioners and seem a little more anxious or fearful.  They are seeking goodness and perfection in an effort to complete the many tasks they have started.

Immigrants from Differentiation BEACH add a dimension of creativity to the Perfection BEACH, there own “je ne sais quoi”.

The social structure of the BEACH is only one aspect of the Ethnography.  It is a good place to start.  Watch for more information on the geographic aspects of the Perfection BEACH coming soon.

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Knowledge Management and the curse/blessing of ambiguity

Ambiguityis my friend.  I live there as we all do.  The gift is knowing that ambiguity is your friend.  Certainty gets you just that … certainty … or disappointment when the certainty turns out to be ambiguous.

Mediations are the kind of conversations that rely on ambiguity and in fact as a mediator it is my job to create an ambiguous past, present and future that can be reconstructed as positive.  Doubts, questions and information are my friend.

Ambiguity is also my friend as I write.  Not knowing is liberating what you don’t can bring confidence to the writer.  Knowing what you don’t know brings curiousity.  Knowing what you know brings the courage to say it so it can be tested and you can learn as others contribute to your knowing.

Ambiguity is not to be confused with ambivalence.  Ambivalence has a tone of disinterest whereas ambiguity is more about living comfortably in a place of not knowing.  For me it is comfortable.  For others it is madness to be comfortable not knowing.  For me it is opportunity and anticipation and for others it is unsafe and unnecessarily risky.

Ambiguity is my friend and so when I am asked what I know for sure I am confident with a response like “nothing”  or “42”  for you Douglas Adams fans.

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PULSE Enneagram

Sociology of the Enneagram

I am not a psychologist.  I am a sociologist.  I study how people interact in conversation and how they use language skills for effective outcomes.  Sociologists study human culture and symbols, rules and norms looking for patterns and perhaps causal relationships which may or may not be generalizable.  The purpose is to understand and promote social evolution and reform, which for me is “World Peace one conversation at a time.”

Sociologists can be involved in macro or micro sociology.  Macro refers to evolution of society while micro refers to the everyday human interaction that has caught my attention over the course of my adult life.  I like to understand social interactions and their consequences.

As I write this new book on 40 Degrees in Conversation which is based on the Enneagram, I realize that I am indeed writing an ethnography of each of the regions on the circle that are inhabited by the nine expressions or aspects.  I am writing about the culture of each position and taking the sociological perspective that the mind and the self emerge from the social process of communication.  George Herbert Mead described human perception as socially mediated and states that existence  in community comes before individual consciousness.  He talks about the “generalized other” which represents the expected behaviour of the group

Ethnography requires that I “live among” my subjects and become a “participant observer”.  Years of working in mediation as mediator/participant observer has given me field notes an documentation to support the stories, the narratives of the 9 PULSE BEACHs.  I have conducted informal interviews, direct observations, participated in the life of the group and collective discussions.  I have produced and analyzed personal documents and have generated what I consider a thick and rich description of each of the nine sets of Beliefs, Expectations, Assumptions, Concerns, and Hopes that represent the regions on the PULSE circle or the BEACHs on PULSE Island, to stay with the metaphor.

This is a new approach.  It is not a 40 degree view of the human psyche as it travels from place to place.  It is instead a map and a demographic description of the territory on the ground. It is presented with objectivity and neutrality using cross cultural or cross region comparisons.   Ten years of gathering data has lead to some interesting findings that I am ready to share.

The observer effect in this ethnography is mitigated by the fact that I was acting as mediator or trainer providing service to participants that would actually shift their perspectives and move them to another location on the map.  The theory that emerged from the work was not about the individuals themselves or their psychic landscape.  Instead it gives a demographic understanding of the BEACHs they inhabit or visit on their journey elsewhere.

My intention is to give you a brief view of each of the BEACHs as they are represented in the book over the next few of weeks.  Feel free to contact me if I am not living up to that intention.  It might be the push and the accountability I need to move things forward.  Thanks.

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PULSE Enneagram

The Perspective and Cosmology

Writing in DC is great today.  I have accomplished a fair amount and still managed email and kept one ear to the wall to listen as the course goes on next door.  Lynda is doing a great job.  It is weird, I have to say, to hear them talking about the author and know that they are talking about me.

Perspective…. distance makes a difference.  Looking at a situation or a tree from a different angle or perch really broadens perspective.  I like that about the world.  Physical distance can give you emotional and intellectual distance.  Everything is integrated.  I guess that’s why Gurdjeiff was referred to as a cosmologist rather than a physchologist or a mathematician. 

“Cosmologists” study the way the world works.  They see the interrelatedness the wholeness of the thing.  It seems to me that no matter where you begin to study how things work, you end up understanding the way things every where work – the cosmology of it.  Whether you start with a study of conversation or physics, biology or personality you end up at the power of three and the power of seven.  It is interesting – that is cosmology. Hmmmm

I am very aware of that from this distance.  Working in another city, away from home is liberating for me.  I must be a seven.  Any thoughts of true five-ness are fading as I watch myself gravitate toward the positive, the up lifting, the fun side of life.  “High Hopes” is still my theme song although I am very comfortable with the detachment BEACH, I still think “All by myself” is a sad song.  Extroverted Five or Pensive Seven?  They both sound like they describe me.  I must still be on the Ferry between the two.

I like the changing view and the way it changes my persception of things.  From here I look very much like a cosmologist myself!!!!

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PULSE Enneagram

Reflecting on Self and Complexity

I was listening to tapes about the Enneagram yesterday getting ready to write the PULSE POINTS book or the PULSE BEACHs book, the one about the compulsions and perspectives from the nine beachs of PULSE island.  The BEACHs represent a set of beliefs, expectations, assumptions, concerns and hopes.  There are nine as represented on the Enneagram.  Each is a unique frame of reference for looking at the world and each provides 40 degrees of the truth, the whole truth.

Sooo for years I have understood that my home enneagram BEACH is the Excitement BEACH.  I seek joy and variety.  I avoid pain.  I have been relatively happy with the description of that perspective and found it a good fit … for the most part.  Something my mother said recently got me thinking.  She was telling someone else that she never know what I was thinking all the time that I was growing up.  I thought to myself “That ‘s not exactly an extrovert thing to do.”

On the Myers-Briggs I was always balanced Extroverted -Introverted, slightly E but not outrageously so.  I live in my head and like to synthesize ideas as you will know if you have been reading this blog.  As I listened to the description of the Five – what is called the Detachment BEACH in PULSE  – I began to realize that I was more at home here.  I had considered that I was moving to five because seven’s move to five when they are relaxed.  It is a facet of the seven character.  But more and move I see detachment, that observer status, knowledge and wisdom is what I have been seeking all along.  Fun and excitement are good but I am not here to enjoy myself.  I am here to learn.

Identity crisis averted.  It is comfortable and it shows me why people say that studying the personality types of the Enneagram is necessary for a complete understanding of it.  I have been “studying” it since 1988.  I was using it to understand others and their motivation.  My own motivation was right there in front of me and yet I had a distorted view of it.  Instead of being an evolved citizen of the Excitement BEACH I am an excited native of the Detachment BEACH.  I believe in thinking things through.  I expect to gather information. I assume that everyone knows what I know and I get frustrated when they can’t read my mind.  I am concerned about knowing more and sharing knowledge and I hope to know everything one day.  Five.

The BEACHs swirl into a 360 degree view of the world as we get older.  Our home BEACH doesn’t change.  I feel today as if I just found out that I was given up at birth and the parent that I thought were mine were not.  It is a little liberating because I am no longer confused about the thoughts that I had reconciled to be seven thoughts that I see now as clearly five.  Weird.  Things that make you go hmmm.

Anyway in PULSE it is not the BEACH you come from but the one you are on that counts and my five BEACH is very comfortable for me at the moment.  What BEACH are you on these days???

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PULSE Enneagram

Another beautiful day in Canmore

Canmore has come to mean so many things to me.  Most of all it is a place for me to be with my thoughts.  I love it here.  The mountains are majestic and there is a little bit of snow falling even in April. The highway noise seems incongruous with the quiet snow covered landscape.

I have been listening to enneagram tapes and thinking about how to describe how PULSE conversations and the enneagram coincide.  I believe that the nine aspects or dimensions of the enneagram represent the nine versions of any truth that are brought to the conversation.  Identifying where people are coming from is the first step.  The enneagram also provides a path that is predictable that people may follow during the conversation which is helpful for conversation leaders.

Each of the PULSE BEACHs is based on the enneagram descriptions of the nine points.  I am taking it, not from the perspective of a person’s style and how they integrate themselves through out their life time  but from how the conversation converges on an integration of the nine BEACHs as it progresses.  So I am writing about the BEACHs and how identifying the BEACH provides the freedom to move to the next one.  Once people have felt heard, understood and acknowledged they move and the conversation changes.  Do the people change?  I am not sure.  They move.  Whether they stay on the new BEACH or take the next ferry boat back is  another area of research to be undertaken.  Some times people are transported and enjoy the new perspective so much that they stay on the new BEACH and are transformed.

I am convinced too that each of the BEACHs is represented in a team by the members of a team and that the natural tendency is to complete the circle with all of the aspects or dimensions.  You may begin with a team of people who are all on the success BEACH, for example, but gradually the other BEACHs will emerge to round out the experience and create a balance of the nine perspectives.  It is as if a centrifgal  force pulls the team toward the centre where they can access all of the perspectives. 

Drawn to the centre … hmmmmmm

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Today and Tomorrow – Two days of the week that start with ‘T’

Today we all moved our lives forward, toward our goals and toward the end.  Today we loved, lived, laughed and left our legacy.  Today we are involved in our lives making choices even if that means choosing not to choose which of course is also a choice.  We have two days – today and tomorrow.  Today we do what we can to get ourselves ready for tomorrow.

And, as we have often been told, tomorrow never comes.  It is illusive.  We are anticpating tomorrow ever day, waiting to see what it will bring and how it will work out and in the meantime we waste the time we have today to get AROUND to doing what we want to do tomorrow.  Now is all we have.

So tomorrow I am going to Canmore to write.  I am excited and looking forward to the opportunity to spend time in quiet contemplation and creativity.  I feel a little like a kid in the candy store.  There is so much writing to choose from.  I have started so many projects that need my undivided attention for  a day or so.  How do I choose?

I could work on the PULSE BEACHS – the Frames of Reference that people  use in a conversation.  I have many thoughts on the BEACHs that I would like to share.  I would write about each of them in turn – Perfection, Connection, Success, Differentiation, Detachment, Security, Excitement, Power, Peace and what the world looks like from this perspective where people are motivated by these and are seeking to satisfy a need.  Not everyone is on the BEACH for the same reason and the weather can change depending on the strength of the motivation and  the purpose.  Deconstructing the BEACHs would be a labour of love and I will get around to it …. tomorrow.

I could write more about the complex PULSE, the foundational theory that makes PULSE work.  I am excited by the images of floating triangles and tetrahedron and sharing my insight on why conversations move through the Frame to sustainable resolution in such a consistent way.

I could write about Principals leading mandated change.  The stories of five principals is coming together nicely and needs a finishing touch and an edit to pull it all together.  It would be nice to get that one to press.

I could work on the leadership catalogue that we have been working on so that I will have it to take with me to DC next week.  It is an exciting project, pulse – ifying the delivery of awesome materials related to leadership from many sources.  The catalogue has nine categories of leadership skill developing seminars that will be available as one hour web-casts.

I could work on a white paper to show the use of the PULSE Frame for the regeneration of my favourite federal political party.  I would love to have the time to devote to an explanation of my BIG IDEA for bringing a party from the ashes to its former glory and beyond.

I could write about the skills that power the PULSE Frame.  I have always wanted to spend quality time explaining in more detail each of the twenty skills that PULSE Practitioners use to guide the conversation.  Examining the work of the delta during the PULSE conversation would give everyone more insight into how it all works.

I could do an in depth look at the six freedoms that the PULSE Frame is described and constructed to release for people.  I want to examine the freedom to choose from the past; to act in the present and to dream of a future together.  I want to understand how people experience being known in community, being heard and being positive and how the skills of the delta encourage the sense of freedom that liberates people to make better decisions together then they might apart  becuase they own them.

I could write about a PULSE Plan and how to arrive at it.  I could expound on each of the five pieces of the PULSE Frame.   I could do so many things and I know that I must choose.  There are just not enough hours in either today or tomorrow to get it all done.

Today we can only move one day closer to reaching the goals, forward toward the end, deliberately choosing to act and to dream, to be known and heard and to be positive.  Life is a PULSE Conversation.

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More Wisdom – Less Busyness

Spring and Easter are a time of rebirth and renewal.  Although it is snowing here in Calgary today, I know that somewhere there is spring and it will arrive here in due course.  Calgary is like that.  The weather is unpredictable and the time of year is basically irrelevant.  It can snow in any month and it can be t-shirt weather in any month.  Maybe that is why I like it here.  It is unpredictable … like people.  My latest reading material is called “Predictable Irrationality”.  I am thinking the weather in Calgary is beyond that although way to Rationally Unpredictable.

The book by Dan Ariely is a great read about why people do people things … again and again and again.  The sub title is “The hidden forces that shape our decisions“.  The stories are great and really make you think about the things that make you go “Hmmmmm”.  Those stories and the beginning of a documentary I heard on CBC about Positive Ppsychology are swirling in my head looking for meaning.  The Positive Ppsychology piece began with a reminder that the brains we have today are the ones who survived in the dangerous times of our predecessors who had to fight off wild animals and hunt for food to survive.  The ones who were skeptical, cautious and fierce were the ones who survived and breed to create later generations.  Those characteristics are not always helpful these days where food is readily available and our neighbour is our friend not our competition.  So the skills in a land of scarcity are not easily translated to a land of plenty.  We are still acting as if we do not know where the next meal is coming from when there is a fast food restaurant on ever corner.  We are negative assume-rs because our ancestors survived in the wild.  Hmmmmm.

Sooo Does our ppredictable irrationality come from that evolution of the brain that has not quite caught up to our society and our communities? Could it explain why we seek busyness and activity rather than wisdom?  Is busyness our badge of honour in a society that values time?  Is it peculiar to North America?  Does Europe have a more civilized approach where leisure or time to live instead of time to earning a living  is the thing that is the measure of success? Does that make Eurpoe more evolved than North America?  So many questions to guide this weeks entries.  TTFN

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