Blog post

Interest Based Negotiation and Bargaining – PULSE Style

So I have attempted through this blog to  describe in details the PULSE frame and its intricacies.  Next is the applications of the Frame.  For this I fall back on my training in Latin and declinations of verbs.  There you have first person singular which is when I talk to and about myself.  PULSE is a tool for self talk, for making decision that matter on your own.  Then there is second person singular where I am talking to you.  that is the negotiations conversations where I am vested and involved and effected by the outcome.  Third person singular is where I intervene or talk about another person not present and then there are all of these, first, second, and third, again in the plural. I, you, him or her and we, you, they.

Let’s focus on the  you and me conversation – negotiation.  Interest based negotiation has garnered a reputation as a good way to settle differences.  Instead of looking only at the positions of each party there is a genuine desire to consider both sides and meet the needs of both.  The PULSE Frame is set up to do that .  Business and personal interests as defined in Interest based negotiating or bargaining are the criteria for resolution in the PULSE Frame.  Answering the guiding questions of the PULSE Frame leads you to an interest of criteria based decision and future relationship. ” How will the conversations proceed? ” is question number one.  Here the parties agree to a purpose for the meeting,.  They agree to a gentle, honest , open specific, talk where each will speak so the other can keep listening. They agree to follow the PULSE process; prepare for the conversation; uncover the circumstances; learn the significance or criteria fro resolution; search the possibilities that will meet all of the criteria; and explain a plan of action.  They agree on a level of confidentiality, establish what kind of authority is in the room, the roles of each party present and outline a time frame for the conversation.

In the uncover stage each provides their version of the story or position and a title is mutually agreed upon.  “We are here to resolve _________.” and then in the learn stage they have a dialogue about what is important to them in this situation.  Here the new information is exchanged as each hears the others story and allows it to influence their version.  This is where interests are identified and recorded.  Once recorded they become the criteria on which the plan of action is tested.  Next they brainstorm possible solutions tha twill meet these criteria or interests, their own and the others as well as those they have in common, consider which are feasible and doable and within their control and write those into a plan of action.

The PULSE Frame has been used to negotiate directly with another party and as a tool for a PULSE professional to negoiate on behalf of others.  It can also be used to structure bargaining conversations.  My own experience as a representative at the bargaining table taught me the value or collaborative or interested based bargaining.  Positional bargaining meant that everyone walked away angry.  Criteria based or PULSE Bargaining is aimed at everyone walking away satisfied that the process has been fair, that they have been heard and that the best deal for all involved has been reached.

Try it.  You’ll like it.

Tomorrow more about the differences between negotiating and bargaining.

Thanks, Austin.

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As an Executive Coach, a Professional Speaker and an author, Dr. Love gives the gift of courage and confidence to her clients... courage to make a change and confidence to make a difference. Learn more »
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