Blog post

Discipline comes in waves

While I was at the IEA Conference in Atlanta I purchased a DVD called “Is Enneybody Home”.  It is a great DVD that shows one actress acting out all of the types.  It is especially powerful because it is one actress acting out all of the types…  It is easier to experience the enneagram stances as BEACHes or Perspectives on the world rather than as a stereotypical typing tool.  It is great and we have incorporated it into the new level 2 or advanced practitioner training.

BEACHes – sets of Beliefs, Expectations, Assumptions, Concerns and Hopes – are what we stand on that determines our perspective and BEACHes shift.  Evidence of that was clear a couple of weeks ago when Carol and I were in the Virgin Islands, working with people from the University and the Government of the BVI.  The tail end of Hanna swung through one day bringing wind and rain and a storm surge that raised the water level about a meter and a half.  Where the Beach once was there was ocean and lots of if.  A Day later the water subsided and the Beach returned.  It was not the same BEACH.  It had been reformed by the wind and water and we knew it would be some time before it was the same BEACH we had enjoed days before.

BEACHes change.  What does your BEACH look like today?  What have the elements and the environment done to reshape your BEACH.  So many questions fit the metaphor.  and so the title of this entry.  For me, the discipline to write the blog comes in waves.  Like the calm BEACH that we played on, I can come back to this place and write and play … except when the storms of my live surge to a level where I am unable to find the BEACH.  The wind and the waves of training and travel take away the calm space to write and to think.  It is interesting that while I was on holiday in Italy I still had the space to complete the blog.  Travelling and working fill my head, like the storm surge so that I am unable to find the discipline.

Like the BEACH – I am back – for a while – until the next storm.

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As an Executive Coach, a Professional Speaker and an author, Dr. Love gives the gift of courage and confidence to her clients... courage to make a change and confidence to make a difference. Learn more »
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  • Punch LeMoine


    I’ve been picking up your blogs this summer and can relate to the need to focus and be disciplined enough in my life to effect change in my little corner of the world “one conversation at a time”.

    You open my mind up to endless thought processes. I look forward to the “blogs’, and try to make it a prioity to catch up with “my sister, my friend”.

    Love always,


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